💾 ✖️
  waste.st aka 🗑️.st - A tiny waste^W pastebin
  This is a pastebin. It tries to be minimal but do enough to be useful.
  It's sometimes useful to be able to share small pieces of text or images.
  Particularly snippets of code, screenshots or other such things. This site
  allows that, while being as simple as possible.
  Just type on the website or use curl to create a paste:
    curl -d 'some string' waste.st
    echo foo | curl -d @- waste.st
  PUT is also supported:
    curl -T file.txt 🗑️.st
    curl -T file.txt waste.st
  Updating a paste with auth is supported by using a HTTP password.
  Set up some credentials first (do this once):
    echo "machine waste.st login \"\" password $uuid" >> ~/.netrc
    echo "machine xn--108h.st login \"\" password $uuid" >> ~/.netrc
  (Using the IDN hostname -- 🗑️.st -- needs a recent curl.)
  Then use curl with the --netrc (-n) option to send the credentials:
    url="$(curl -nd 'some data' waste.st)"
    echo $url
    curl -nd 'new data' $url
  Pastes are accessible at both https://🗑️.st and https://waste.st
  If you use curl on the paste URL, you'll get the raw content (or otherwise
  arrange for a "Accept: text/plain" header to be sent). Try it:
    curl waste.st/waste.1
  Illegal or questionable content (doxxing, copyright violations, etc.) is not
  welcome, it will be deleted and you will be banned.
  Given the simple curl usage a premade script isn't provided, something as
  simple as this will work:
    curl -nsT "${1:--}" https://waste.st/"$2"
  This allows:
    # Pipe content
    echo foo | waste
    # Upload some-file
    waste some-file
    # Pipe content with a filename provided
    echo foo | waste - foo.txt
    # ANSI support too!
    tdfiglet -r Hello | waste
  Sometimes you want to upload something from the command line and then edit it
  a bit. This site deliberately doesn't use cookies to avoid having a tracking
  ID on each paste, however it does use a temporary UUID associated with each
  If you've followed the steps above to use a uuidgen based auth token with
  curl, submit something using "curl -n", then open your JavaScript console and
    window.name = 'xxxx-yyyy-zzzz'
  Then that paste will be editable. (You can turn this into a bookmarklet.)
  (If you don't want multiple pastes to be linked together then simply close
  and reopen your browser tab and/or don't use the -n option with curl.)
  Pastes are deleted after a varying period up to 256 days. The larger the data
  the sooner it will be deleted. No guarantees either way; if other people
  paste larger stuff we'll have to force expiry to be sooner.
  If you want to delete a paste sooner, leave the tab open and press the X or
  use the curl method above and run:
  curl -nX DELETE https://waste.st/...
  We respect your privacy, but unfortunately some people like to abuse sites
  like this. This means we keep logs of paste creation, including the
    - Timestamp
    - Source IP address
    - User-Agent
    - Per tab UUID (see above for details)
  This takes some inspiration from bin, found at https://github.com/WantGuns/bin
  and also paste.sh, but not doing encryption.
  Open an issue at https://github.com/waste-st/wasted
  Or for abuse and paste deletion contact us via https://forms.gle/CQT9146FvSZSdxXE8

⬆️ 📋